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vmware cloud services | Spas Kaloferov's Blog

Configuring HA Cloud Proxy and DR Cloud Account in Cloud Assembly (SKKB1055)

It's only fair to share…FacebookTwitterLinkedinDiggPinterestTumblrPrintemail In this blog post we are going show how to configure a Highly Available (HA) Cloud Proxy in VMware Cloud Assembly. Same setup can be used to configure a Cloud Accounts for Disaster Recovery (DR) / Hotspare scenarios. Introduction UC01: Configuring HA Cloud Proxy UC02: Configuring DR vSphere Cloud Account Read more about Configuring HA Cloud Proxy and DR Cloud Account in Cloud Assembly (SKKB1055)[…]

Introducing VMware Cloud Services – A SaaS Journey (SKKB1043)

It's only fair to share…FacebookTwitterLinkedinDiggPinterestTumblrPrintemail In this article, we will take a brief overview of the different VMware Cloud Services that VMware offers. Lab Environment Introducing VMware Cloud Services – A SaaS Journey Final Step   Update Log: Lab Environment The full lab logical design can be seen HERE. Introducing VMware Cloud Services – A Read more about Introducing VMware Cloud Services – A SaaS Journey (SKKB1043)[…]