In this blog post we are going to look at how to use Blueprint Options in Cloud Assembly to extend ABX extensibility. Introduction Blueprint Options Final Step Update Log: Introduction Subscriptions in Cloud Assembly let you subscribe an extensibility action to a particular Event Type so that the action is only triggered for that […]
ABX Action to Sync Blueprints from Assembly to Gitlab (SKKB1050)
In this blog post we are going to look at how to use an ABX action to enable synchronization of blueprints and blueprint changes from VMware Cloud Assembly to a Gitlab repository. Also how to use AWS Secrets Manager to securely store secrets for our ABX Action. Introduction Using Blueprint Options in the Blueprint Using […]
ABX Action to set SSH Key from URL (Gitlab, Github) in a Cloud Assembly Deployment (SKKB1045)
In this article, we will look how we can use a Action-Based Extendibility (ABX) action to fetch Gitlab or Github SSH Keys and use them in a VMware Cloud Assembly Blueprint Deployment. Lab Environment Introduction Issue and Solution Final Step Update Log: Lab Environment The full lab logical design can be seen HERE. Introduction […]